Nobody really knows the old tales any more. That's what I'd have told you if you'd asked me thirty years. These days, things are even worse. These days, most people aren't even aware that there are tales they don't know. Most of the young people today don't even use the full name of The Steps of Katie O'Kat. They just say that they're going to The Steppes. Sometimes, They'll even say "Katie's Steppes" if they want to sound formal. I can't recall ever having heard anyone below the age of twenty five use the proper name though. There are but a few of us left who remember, now. You came to right place if you seek to learn of the past. Now, make yourself comfortable and I will tell you of our history. ----- It all dates back to when our town was young and the world itself not much younger. Back then, the town was ruled by four great clans. First among the clans was the clan of the bear, which boasted the town's largest and strongest fighters. Second among the clans was the clan of the wolf, whose members prided themselves in their teamwork and tenacity. Third among the clans was the clan of the owl, priding wisdom and knowledge above all else. Then finally, least among the clans was the clan of the cat. Unlike the other great clans, the clan of the cat had no unifying trait. Its members were too proud, too individualistic to be so categorised. One fateful day, a great giant came upon the town, and made a simple demand. The town was to send forth a single warrior to fight him in single combat. Unless this champion could best him, he would destroy the town. A wave of terror spread throughout the town, for nobody knew of anyone who could stand up to so mighty a threat. First, the giant approached the elders of the clan of the bear, and he asked "Have you any who dare stand before me?" And the clan of the bear was silent, since they only knew how to fight when they were larger and stronger than their opponents. Next, the giant approached the elders of the clan of the wolf, and he asked "Have you any who dare stand before me?" And the clan of the wolf was silent, since they only knew how to fight when they outnumbered their opponent. Then the giant approached the elders of the clan of the owl, and he asked "Have you any who dare stand before me?" And the clan of the owl was silent, since for all their knowledge, they knew of no way to fight such a foe. Finally, the giant approached the elders of the clan of the cat, and he asked "Have you any who dare stand before me?" And before the elders of the clan could respond, a girl of 16 summers stepped forward. This girl was Kaitlin, of the Cats, or Katie O'Kat as she later came to be known. "I accept your challenge", said Katie O'Kat defiantly. "But first, you have to catch me." With that, she ran from the scene as fast as she could, with the giant following not far behind her. She was quick and nimble and fuelled by adrenaline, but each of the giant's colossal strides brought him a little bit closer. Undeterred, Katie O'Kat ran to the nearest hill and up the narrow, winding path that climbed to its summit. This was not a path that the giant could follow; instead, with each step, he would stamp on the hillside flattening it into steps that he could climb, forming the landscape we know today. Before long, Katie O'Kat had reached the top of the hill, which by then the giant had entirely transformed into steps. Seeing that there was nowhere else for her to go, Katie O'Kat took a running leap from the top of the steps with the giant in hot pursuit behind her. She knew that she would fall to her death, but she hoped that the giant would follow her and share the same fate. And that is exactly what happened to the giant, but not what happened to Katie O'Kat. As she fell, the spirit of the Cat surged through her, she twisted in mid air and landed lithely on her feet, as if nothing had happened. She left the town the same day, in search of adventure, with the promise that she would return one day, when she was needed. Nobody has seen her since, but the steps that the giant formed that day still bear her name. ------ And that's the story of Katie O'Kat. Now, stay where you are while I go and make some coffee. And then I will tell you how Briar's Stone got its name.